HTML to WordPress Migration Services

Convert static HTML web pages to fully functional WordPress websites with our HTML to WordPress conversion services. 

Being a dedicated WordPress development company, WPTaskPro has a team of WordPress specialists that assist businesses in converting their existing HTML websites to WordPress. 

Avail our end-to-end HTML to WordPress conversion services and migrate data seamlessly and securely. 

Please message us so we can discuss your project in detail.

Our Successful WordPress Clients

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Why Choose Us

A cross-functional team of 150+ in India.

SEO capabilities to increase organic traffic and SERP rankings 

In-house experts, Business analysts, UX/UI designers, consultants.

 Crystal clear and cooperative approach with clients.

​Quality assurance testing before the final launch.

Competitive rates in the industry.

Our WordPress Migration Expertise Include

Seamless Conversion

Looking for a hassle-free WordPress migration? Our experts leverage advanced front-end coding practices and fluid layouts to keep your website design, functionality, and content consistent across all platforms.

Highly Responsive Website

Deliver an immersive user experience without worrying about your page speed. We write clear, robust codes to reduce page loading speed, ensuring WordPress themes are 100% responsive and highly scalable across devices.

User-Friendly Admin Panel

Take complete control over your WordPress site’s vital aspects. We deliver a robust theme admin panel with pre-configured options, allowing site owners to manage themes and other front-end aspects easily.

Performance Optimization

We optimize every website aspect for high performance and faster page load speed, ensuring an excellent user experience. Our team also handles front-end and back-end optimization for super-fast customized themes.

Quality Structured Code

Our certified WordPress developers write clean, well-structured, W3C-compliant code to ensure an error-free performance across domains. Besides, a well-cemented code allows easy website customization and management while ensuring better readability and accessibility online.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

Cross-browser compatibility is a vital aspect of our HTML to WordPress conversion services. Our team ensures your newly migrated website is compatible with major browsers and their latest versions, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.

Why Choose WPTaskPro

Seasoned WordPress Developers

Our WordPress professionals have the technical expertise required to handle every WordPress-related task, including consulting, designing, development, and maintenance, and delivering quality solutions.

Safe & Secure Websites

We implement the latest security standards and technologies to deliver highly advanced and secured websites. Our tech-driven approach keeps website security threats at bay, providing peace of mind.

SEO Web Solutions

We follow the best industry-specific SEO practices right from the fundamental level, allowing search engine bots to crawl and index your new WordPress site easily, thus boosting rankings.


We capitalize on DevOps capabilities to develop and optimize your WordPress project and deploy it in a short turnaround time. This service allows us to deliver projects faster. 

Timely Delivery

We never overpromise and under-deliver the project. AWPTaskPro, we leverage the best-in-class infrastructure and decades of experience to deliver on our promises within the agreed deadline.

Quality Assurance

Client requirements are the core of every project. We work passionately on your project, irrespective of its complexity, and strive to offer user-friendly solutions that help achieve your objectives. 

Our WordPress Migration Process

Requirement Gathering

We perform a pre-migration website assessment to get insights into your existing database, target audience, and challenges. This in-depth analysis allows creating a customized migration strategy aligning with your business goals and requirements.


We create a website backup to keep your data secure. Once done, we create a custom WordPress theme as per your preferred design and functionality. Next, our team starts the HTML to the WordPress migration process, including images, videos, SEO tags, metadata, etc.


After completion, our QA team runs your new WordPress site through a rigorous testing process, validating its functionality and compatibility across platforms. Moreover, testing allows us to identify and fix any bug or issue identified before launching the site.


Post successful testing, we hand over the website to you or make it live from our end. A team closely monitors your new website post-launch to ensure seamless performance without any technical glitches or downtime.

We Are Capable Of Catering The Diverse WordPress Migration Services


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